How we can work together and have some fun along the way!

with Us


Our Services

We provide space for social sector organizations to learn how to collaborate around complex problems. By strengthening individuals’ confidence and comfort with uncertainty, teams develop capacity to think radically about their work, leading to lasting change for those they serve.


[rad·i·cal] / adjective

(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.


Organizations are run by teams, and it takes work to build and maintain a healthy one.


Whether your team is just forming or has been struggling to work well together for a while, we can help. We will co-design and facilitate a retreat where your team will improve collaboration, ultimately helping your organization achieve its mission-driven outcomes. We will use research-based assessments to gather data about individual and collective strengths, as well as possible areas of conflict. Together, these ingredients will ensure we design a retreat tailored to your context and priorities.

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let's collaborate

It is not easy figuring out what approach to take when leading efforts to address complex problems.

Strategic Planning & Advising

Often, we encounter leaders who have great ideas, but lack the time to translate them into action. We help our clients organize their thinking into a strategy they can iterate. We will guide you in a process to imagine a new future and identify your priorities, informed by the needs of the people you are serving. 

We can support the collection and analysis of relevant local data, both quantitative and qualitative, so you can map potential scenarios and then understand how the strategy is working. We will also gather relevant research that, together with local data, will ensure you are able to make informed decisions.

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let's collaborate

Complex problems often need multiple groups working together, each offering unique expertise and perspective.


These groups may come from different organizations or from different parts of the same organization; regardless, without someone supporting collaboration, they may struggle to make progress. 

We can help accelerate collective learning. We know how to help people learn faster and design together. We create conditions for individuals to gather, align efforts, and build on each other’s work. In those key moments when you, as a leader, want to contribute in real time with the rest of the group, we can take on the facilitator role to ensure that everyone can participate—including you. Then, we will help you develop routines and processes to enable large and small groups to work together longer term.

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Coaching Individuals & Teams

If you or your team are new to leading this kind of work, we can help you build the capabilities and gain confidence to lead. We have experience in initiating and operating multi-stakeholder collaborations or networks trying to tackle a complex problem. We will design training on leadership mindsets, methods, and tools – tailored to your context. From there, we will guide you in building expertise through routine practice and ongoing feedback.

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Leading collaborative efforts to solve complex problems requires leaders to have specific mindsets, knowledge, and skills.

let's collaborate

Systems Design Lab brings expertise to the table. As an official Core Strengths partner, we use the Strengths Deployment 2.0 to strengthen our clients’ relationship intelligence.